Project Summary
In June 2011, SYS was engaged by Vale Malaysia Manufacturing Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of Vale SA, the world’s largest iron exporter, to construct a Material Handling Quay (MHQ) at Teluk Rubiah, Lumut, Perak. This RM 37.7 million project, plays a pivotal role in Vale’s maritime terminal in Malaysia, supporting large-scale iron exports. The quay was designed to accommodate 250-ton cranes and included the construction of essential facilities such as access trestles, finger piers, and a Ro-Ro ramp, facilitating the efficient handling of large vessels and cargo.
The project featured extensive marine structures, including two large quays, finger piers, and a small craft landing platform for crew vessels. Major works involved the installation of steel and concrete spun piles, the use of precast and in-situ concrete, and reinforcing steel to ensure the quay’s long-term durability.
Project Details
- Vale SA, the world’s largest iron exporter, engaged SYS to build material handling quay for its maritime terminal in Malaysia. The MHQ can accommodate 250T cranes and its facilities include :-
- Access trestle: 150m x 16.2m wide road
- Quay A: 66.8m x 34m wide
- Quay B: 91m x 46.2m wide, with 1,500m² temporary storage area and berthing facility for 180ft barges (2,000 DWT)
- Finger Pier: 2no. x 61.5m x 4.1m wide finger piers spaced 25m apart, for max 150ft barges (1,300 DWT)
- Ro-Ro Ramp: 25m x 17m wide (1v:20h) with 3 no. mooring dolphins for max 250ft Ro-Ro barges (5,000 DWT)
- Small Craft Landing: 16.25m x 1.5m multi-level steel platform for crew vessels max 20m LOA x 5m beam x 2m draft
design parameters
- Design Live Load: 50 kN/m²
- Deck level: +5m CD
- Max axle load: 26.5 MT
- Draft: -5m CD
major quantities
- Concrete spun piles: 311no. 900mm ODx 130wt x 35m
- Steel pipe piles: 12no. 1,200mm ODx 22wt x 45m
- Precast concrete: 5,040m³ (1,708 pcs)
- In-situ concrete: 4,100m³
- Reinforcing steel: 1,460 MT
Construction of Material Handling Quay for Vale Malaysia Manufacturing Sdn Bhd
Vale Malaysia Manufacturing Sdn Bhd
Murray & Roberts Marine (M) Sdn Bhd
Marine Structures
Teluk Rubiah, Lumut, Perak
June 2011 - August 2012
RM 37,732,572.00
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